Saya/Black Dress/2/Borias Hemilton/Red Light/Hang around and see what happens

From Create Your Own Story

You decide to try and see what will happen if you just wander around aimlessly in an establishment filled with prostitutes and perverts. Predictably, it doesn't take long before you catch the attention of some of them.

A trio of guys who look like they're a few years younger than you, are making a fuss while glancing in your direction, two of them seem to be trying to get the third one to approach you.

A beautiful, mature woman is looking over at you interestedly, an unspoken invitation to join her in her eyes.

A plain-looking man in his early 40s seems to be trying to decide whether or not to approach you, you see him clenching his purse. He's probably trying to figure out whether you are a prostitute or not and doesn't have the courage to approach you without a hint.

Lastly, there's a bunch of troublemakers dressed in goth-style black leather, they just caught sight of you and it seems like they might head your way if you wander around much longer. You also see some nearby bouncers looking at them suspiciously.

You :

Pretend not to notice anything and leisurely wander around

Take a seat in plain view of the trio of guys and order a drink

Approach the trio of guys

Approach the mature beauty

Approach the plain-looking man and flash him a playful smile

Approach the troublemakers

Go look for Eliana

Health 100 Equipment:

Black Dress

Stamina 100
Mood Playful Inventory:

Mother's Katana, Full Black Leather Armor

Purse 150, 00, 00
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