Blackmail/Go steal something

From Create Your Own Story

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You walk out of the screening room with your pride hurt, along with your ass and throat. The guard's warning about stealing again makes you want to steal something again, just to prove you can. You cave into your rebellious streak and start looking for something expensive, something that might get them in trouble if you can steal it. You settle on a jewelry shop, heading to the priciest thing that's not in a glass case, birthstone necklaces and rings. As you approach, you take a careful look around at the cameras and the salespeople. You angle your body to block the cameras, and you watch the girls at the counter, waiting for them to ring someone up. When both of them are busy, you strike, looking at something, picking it up, and dropping it "by accident". On the way back up from the floor, you conveniently put it in your purse instead of back on the rack, although you mime the motion.

Looking around, nobody noticed. You smirk smugly to yourself, and decide to do it again. And again. In fact, the whole heist is a rush, stealing for the sake of it. You don't even care if you like the jewelry at this point. Moving on to another store, you manage to swipe some makeup and even swap your shoes for new, prettier heels. As you're polling the mall map, looking for another possible store, you feel a familiar hand on your shoulder. "Those are some nice shoes. I don't remember you having them earlier," you hear the skinny cop say from behind you. Freezing up, you're not sure if you should run or bluff as if you paid for them.

It quickly becomes a null point as to what you want to do, as the skinny guard, with his other hand, pulls open the top of your bag. You immediately move to snap it shut as he whistles at your haul. "I'm going to need to ask to see a receipt for those, ma'am," he says, smiling. You hem and haw, searching for a lie, but nothing anywhere near close to believable comes to mind. Finally, you drop your head and put your hands behind your back, where he cuffs them. "Good girl," he says, leading you to the screening room again. Nodding to the other cops there, smiling at them as they smile back, "She's ba-ack." He stops to make you take off your shoes, and hands them and your purse over the counter, so they can return the items.

He uncuffs you in the screening room, locking the door as the two of you enter. "You know the drill," he says, and indeed, you do. As you undress, he watches and comments. "Well, we didn't really have a good reason to probe you earlier. We'd had to stop if you'd insisted. But now, well, I've got every reason to do it, however I want. I'd almost think you liked it. But, if you want to say no, instead, I can send you downtown. But, I'm sending you like this, in case the rest of your clothes were also stolen. A naked little piece of ass wouldn't last long in the holding cell, or even in the interrogation room. Your choice, of course."

Go Downtown, Naked

Probing Round Two

Requirements: This is a story about a young girl written in second person.

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