Go check on Willow?

From Create Your Own Story

(Redirected from Go check on Anna?)

As you make your way to your quarters, you begin to feel fatigue from your armor. You decide that now is the time to teach Willow how to remove your armor.

Entering your room, you see a servant, named Nadya, giving Willow a bowl of stew and water. The servant is a teenage woman, wearing a plain black dress and white apron, with her blonde hair in a bun. Upon seeing you, she immediately bows.

"M-My lord, I didn't know if she was allowed to eat. Please don't punish..." She lets out before you stop her with a motion of your hand. While she is bowed, you get a decent look at her chest, which appears to be a bit bigger than Willow.

Have her 'serve' you in lieu of Willow?

Have both her and Willow see to your 'needs'?

Dismiss the servant (kindly)?

Dismiss the servant (rudely)?

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