Fred Henderson, your best friend

From Create Your Own Story

You'd recognize that voice anywhere, it's your best friend Fred Henderson! In your excitement, you forget to tie your robe before you throw the door open. You pull Fred into a deep hug before you realize that your cock is half-hard, swinging at your knees, and still leaking a little cum from your piss slit. In fact, you've leaked a trail from your bedroom and it coats the floor.

"Watch the pants!" Fred says, laughing. It's too late, however, and you both realize that you've stained his pants. Neither of you is embarrassed, you've been friends since kindergarten and have seen each other naked plenty of times, although you've never done anything sexual together. You immediately offer to give him a pair of your pants while you throw his in with your other laundry. Your pants will be a little big on him because he's a rare breed of horse; the Caspian. He has a stature closer to that of a pony, but he'd beat anyone up who called him that.

You shut the door and he removes his pants and hands them to you. You're surprised to see that he's wearing a jock strap, which shows off his toned buttocks and definitely not pony-sized bulge. He surveys the damage from your little sexual adventure this morning and whistles.

"You must've been pretty pent up." he jokes, "You could've drowned a filly in all of this cum!"

You roll your eyes and go to the bedroom to get him some pants.

Furry Status (you)
Health 100 Equipment:


Gender Male
Species Horse
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