Watch the she-demon fuck the woman to death

From Create Your Own Story

You continue to watch, how could you not. This is blood-magic of the strongest variety, and you sense the power that is being harnessed from the combination of sex and coming death. The woman is clearly a willing victim, though you’re certain that some kind of glamour has been placed on her, so that she doesn’t know how she is actually killing herself, even as she screams in joy.

Your own hands are rubbing at the cloth covering your groin. Your panties are soaked both with sweat and with the juices of your pussy. You moan as you watch the woman continue to fuck herself on the she-demon’s cock, driving it deep inside her, and pulling back to reveal more and more dark fluid. Blood stains the tabletop, and thunder rumbles across the landscape. More and more fire-spouts erupt as if the molten rock itself is sharing in the experience.

Suddenly, the she-demon stops chanting, and roars. The very air around you seems to shake with the power of her voice, and your body vibrates in response. The woman on the table spasms and jerks as the massive cock impales her body, her eyes go wide, her mouth opens to scream but only blood comes in a fountain.

The she-demon screams again, and for the first time she thrusts her cock into the woman, driving it deeper than it has ever gone before. This time, when the woman opens her mouth, it is a fountain of white that issues forth, and you realize that the she-demon has cum so hard into the woman that it is shooting from her mouth. A third scream, and another thrust inside what must now be a corpse, and more cum spews from the dead woman’s mouth. Her body is now limp as a rag dolls, but still animated by the she-demon’s cock.

The she-demon gasps in obvious exhaustion, her body heaving, breasts covered in a sheen of sweat, and blood and cum. She leans forward to the woman and a long, forked tongue lashes out to clean some of the fluids from the dead woman’s face. Then, she pulls herself back, removing her massive cock from the shredded pussy of the woman. Almost immediately, the cock begins to flag, growing smaller and smaller until it becomes nothing more than the she-demon’s clit.

“Six months,” the she-demon rumbles, “and six months, and six months.”

The she-demon pats at her stomach, and you realize that where ones there were flat, corded abdominals, now there is a swelling. The she-demon is pregnant!

You have just watched your own conception. The she-demon is both your mother and your father, and the anonymous woman was the human sacrifice that made your creation possible!

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