Wastelands/Talk to Ramona

From Create Your Own Story

You see a woman behind the bar counter wearing blue overalls and a white tank top and if you had to guess her footwear you'd probably guess workboots. Her light brown hair is pulled back into a pony tail and she lights herself a cigarette. She looks to you and says "Oh your the one Murphy went ahead and patched up." She sighs and pours whiskey into a shot glass while taking a long drag from her cigarette. She smashes the half finished cigarette into a ashtray and you take a seat on stool at the counter. She drinks the shot whole and shows no signs of it effecting her. You glance around the place and notice it's just you Ramona and a scruffy and rugged looking gentleman who's face is covered by the brime of his cowboy hat. He's also resting a old hunting rifle on his right shoulder.

Status: Unarmed & Healthy

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