UDX: BE150: No we were just about to head to the cabin

From Create Your Own Story

Mike: Aw man, thanks a lot Chris.

Chris: I don't want to be a third wheel.

Jess: You're not. It's cold out here. The sooner we get to the cabin the better.

Mike grabs you by the hand and Chris walks with you guys to the cabin.

You are now Chris. You are humorous, methodical, and protective. You have a huge crush on Ashley. You just arrived at the cabin with Mike and Jess and have been greeted by Josh. Matt, Emily, and Ashley also have arrived.

Josh: It looks like we're all here.

Chris: Yep, because Sam didn't show.

Josh: Where is she? Weren't you supposed to be waiting for her?

Chris: I waited an hour after I was supposed to, so I decided to call her. She didn't pick up.

Josh: What the fuck? She said she was going to be here!

Chris: I don't know what to tell you dude. Maybe coming back was too hard for her.

Josh: Whatever. Forget her. I was hoping to fuck her tonight but I guess that's not happening.

Chris: You can't fuck somebody who's not here.

Josh: That's what I'm saying, bro. Speaking of fucking, have you stuck it in Ashley yet? She'd do it.

Chris: Not ye-

Josh: Then when? Are you going to wait for Mike to fuck her first?

Yeah, when are you going to fuck Ashley?

UDX: BE150: Tonight is the night

UDX: BE150: When it happens, Josh, get off my back I don't want to rush her

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