Say he fell off of the tree

From Create Your Own Story

You swallow. "He fell off of the tree."

"And how'd'ya know that?" the policeman asks. "Did you see?"

"Yes, I saw him. He climbed the tree, and then he fell," you lie.

The policeman inquires you, "And where were you during this time?"

"In my apartment," you say. "I live in the apartment up there." You point to your window on the third floor. "It's right next to a tree branch. He was on there. I saw him fall off."

The policeman is about to say something before a paramedic calls to him. "Deputy Stuart, we have the man in. We're going to take him to the hospital," a loud voice calls out.

You look over and you see the paramedics have already strapped the cameraman onto a stretcher. They wheel him into the ambulance truck with the help of a firefighter.

Another police officer walks over to you and Deputy Stuart. "We might have to wrap this up," the other policeman says.

"Let me talk to this woman first," Deputy Stuart demands.


Health Hormonal Location:

Your Apartment

MP 0
Level 1
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