Pee in the perky blonde's mouth

From Create Your Own Story

You can't help yourself. The blonde is so distressed over the idea of you peeing in her mouth that you simply have to do it. You hold her head and let loose with the piss. The blonde lets out a strangled cry and bites down on your dick.

You scream in agony. You yank your pecker out of her mouth, but she bites you again. You fall over. The blonde chews your meat to ribbons while you cry and scream. You're a bloody wreck by the time she's finished with you.

You lapse in and out of consciousness. You're vaguely aware of being loaded onto an ambulance. Your world is a mass of incredible pain.

You wake up in a hospital bed. You lift the blanket and check under your gown. There's a huge wad of bandages wrapped around your penis.

Do you:

Health Horny, with your dick bandaged Location:

The Hospital

MP 0
Level 2
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