Girl Scout Camp/Not in public

From Create Your Own Story

You glance back at the beach. “Not now,” you say. “What if someone sees us?”

“Hmm… you’re probably right,” Sophie says disappointingly.

“Maybe you could sneak out tonight?” you suggest.

“No. I want to see what’s going on. Plus, my tent-mate will find out.”

“Thanks for the lesson you did give,” Sophie says. She gives you another kiss before untangling herself from your body. The two of you head back to shore.

Sophie spies Claire on the beach and heads towards her. “Did he help,” Claire asks.

Sophie pauses, saying “I can tread water now.”

Claire looks at her funny and whispers a question in her ear. Sophie shakes her head “no.” Claire gives first her, then you an exasperated look. Claire gives a sigh as she and Sophie head down the beach.

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