Flip Shinku onto her stomach and plug her ass

From Create Your Own Story

You turn Shinku onto her belly, only to be greeted by the sight of a second dildo plugging her back channel.

"Heavy into dildos, are you?" you say to the pretty Asian.

"I am," Shinku replies with a smile.

Forget it then, you think to yourself. At least Suzy doesn't have anything blocking her holes. You pull Suzy out of her chair and give her a long kiss, which she returns passionately.

"That's better," Suzy says when you finally break the kiss. "You're my boyfriend and I will satisfy all your needs."

Right now you need to find an opening for your dick.

Do you:

Health Horny Location:

The Doll House:Dolly Dining Hall

MP 0
Level 4
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