BRIGHTEYES: Night falls quickly, and it's time for bed.

From Create Your Own Story

Your chores completed and your bare but satisfying meal eaten you prepare for sleep. In your quarters you change out of your robe and put on your nightgown, smooth against your bare skin. The cold air chills your skin, making it prickle and a familiar unwelcome stirring between your legs. You grit your teeth as the dark swelling blushes your cheeks but eventually subsides. It is hard but necessary that you refrain from the lustful pleasures, a foul nature of lower man unfit for the children of God. You wipe your moist brow and lower yourself into bed, letting sleep overtake you...

You wake suddenly to the sound of a loud crash. You bolt up, reaching for your small thin cane. Throwing on a thicker robe you head for the door, but when you open it you run headlong into someone. Reaching a hand out you find the chest of Faine, standing in your way.

"Out of bed Brighteyes? Be careful or I might tattle to the Master..."

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