(TF2: RvB)Barge in and cause a Distraction

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 23:34, 9 January 2011 by Jakeinator (Talk | contribs)
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"I will sneak through the Waterway while you cause a distraction above. Killing, firing off your Minigun there and-"

"Her name is Sasha." Heavy retorts.

"Apoligies. Like I was saying, just give me enough time to find the Engineer and Sniper. If you run into either, make them suffer and let me finish them off."

"I like the sound of zis." Medic says with a smile.

"Now is coward killing time!" The Heavy says screaming heading downstairs and out the door, Medic laughing all the way, thinking of ways to make the Sniper and Engineer suffer possibly. You head down and go through the waterway, and don't bother cloaking, you need to save your juice if your going to scour the base. When you start heading up the stairs to the enemy base, you notice screams of a Sniper, and a Pyro running off to the screams. Good thing you had a distraction, or you'd be toast. You run up the stairs and dive for the Pyro. You stab him in the back and yells. You open the wound with your blade, making sure the mumbling monster bleeds out and is in to much pain to do anything. You slam him into the wall just to add insult to injury. You automatically took the Pyro's Disguise thanks to your Knife. It transfers a signal to your Disguise Kit automatically disguising you. Shame that you can't disguise manually however. You must kill them with your knife. You walk up to a Heavy beating a Sniper while the Medic is sawing of his arm. The Heavy and Medic looks like they took one hell of a bullet.

"Gentlemen." You say to the Heavy and Medic. Since they were on your team, the Disguise Kit made sure that you were recognizable. All they could see was a Pyro Paper Plate Mask over your face.

"Spy! Can I cut his arm of first?" The Medic asks, the Heavy still beating the Sniper, who's in to much pain to even talk.

"Very well, but leave some for me my German Friend." You turn around and smoke a Cigarette while the Heavy gets away from the Sniper and enjoys the show with a nice Sandwhich. A blood curling yell signals that the Medics procedure was successful. He steps back and starts treating his and Heavies wounds. That yell was probably heard by the rest of their team. You quickly head over to the Sniper and promptly put a bullet in his head, putting him out of his misery.

"Theez wounds are to much! Spy! You must distract anyone if the come by!" The Medic says, healing the Heavy with the Medigun while he takes another bite of his Sandwich. You head over to the Pyro, he died. You didn't have to worry about the corpse. He's invisible to the other team know thanks to your fancy dagger. You just had to make sure no one bumps into it.

Sit by the corridor and pretend to camp, and stop anyone if the come by.

Sit still using the Cloak and Dagger.

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