Let the pantsless brunette pound on you

From Create Your Own Story

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You pop your pecker back inside your clothes and let your arms hang limply at your sides as the brunette charges you. She looks surprised that you're not running away or making any effort to defend yourself.

Coming to a halt a foot in front of you, she gives you a glare. "Well?" she growls. "Put 'em up, you jerk!"

"I don't punch women," you reply.

"How chivalrous," she growls sarcastically. The brunette's fists smash into your chest, making you double over. A few blows to your head leave you dazed. Still, you make no effort to flee or fight. The angry brunette moves to your side, locks her hands into one double-sized fist and brings them down forcefully on the nape of your neck. You drop, unconscious, like a sack of grain.

When you regain your senses, you're lying on something soft. Your clothes have been removed and you are spread-eagled, face down, with your limbs bound. You're blindfolded, and you have a massive headache from being pounded by the brunette.

"Uuuuh," you moan. "I... hurt."

Your head is lifted upwards, and you feel pills being put in your mouth. A glass, or perhaps a cup, is put to your lips and you swallow down the liquid, which appears to be water, and the pills.

You fall back into unconsciousness for an unknown period. When you regain your senses, you're in the same position but the pain in your head is much reduced, almost gone.

"Where... am I?" you moan.

"Never assault a woman," comes a feminine voice. "My brunette friend didn't want your sexual attentions. You may call me Mistress Tara."

"You're... a friend... of hers?" you ask.

"Close friend," Mistress Tara responds. "Now, it's time for your punishment. Do you want to be in this position, or should I flip you over? And remember to always address me as Mistress Tara, or your punishment will get worse."

"Mistress Tara," you reply,

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