Sorry sir, but no.

From Create Your Own Story

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The African narrows his eyes suspiciously.

"Then I'm going to ask you to give me all your weapons."

You hand him your pistol, rapier and dagger. Raquel and your men do the same. All in all, it makes quite an impressive little pile. Then the African leads you through the dark and near-empty castle to a large, steel-reinforced door. He knocks just once, motions you to stay here, then enters and closes the door. Nothing happens for a while, but you suppose the African must be talking to whoever is inside.

Then a new voice rises from beyond the door : "Come in!"

You enter and find yourself face to face with the Pirate King in person. He is sitting at his desk, but he would be almost seven feet tall if he stood up. Although in his late middle years (his shoulder-length hair is iron-grey), a look at his spectacularly muscled arms tells you that he could snap your neck like a twig. His many scars and tattoos hint at a rather eventful life. He gives you a broad grin of golden teeth.

"Welcome, young man," he greets you. "So, you're the new captain of Midnight, aren't you? Looking for employment? I have a few jobs for you... an easy one that pays little, and a hard one that pays a lot."

The easy one for a start, please.

Give me the hard job!

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