WAS: Take the left path

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 00:16, 30 August 2010 by Fletcher Peninsula (Talk | contribs)
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Fate is on your mind as you chose the left path. With the cold digging through your skin praying is all that keeps you alive. The landscape seems endless. Nothing changes, just more mountain wall. You seriously begin considering the possibility of death. Then you see the beacon of light in the distance. For a long while the beacon is everything you focus on. It guides you forward through the snow. Having lost most of your limbs to the cold all you can do is sit still and try to remain conscious.


You’ve arrived at some sort of monastery. It has a rather ill maintained wall and a tower from which the beacon shines. The monastery has a rather eerie feel over it, old worn down buildings in the located at the end of an mountain pass.

The wooden gates open and out steps two figures in dark robes. One takes the bridle to your horse, the other catches you in her arms as you go unconscious.


Bricks, that is all you see as you wake up. Looking around the room you only find more bricks except for the lone candle which does its best to light up your room. Your senses return and you notice the bed in which you lay. You notice the pillows, the sheet and the covering keeping you warm. You also notice that all your equipment is missing except your pants. You’re not sure how to feel or think. In your mind the cold is still there, digging into your bone slowly killing off all warmth. Your choices are clear however, get out of bed or stay put. You think you can make out a door in the distance but there’s not enough light to be certain.

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