Not until the next night

From Create Your Own Story

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A ringing sound awakes you as you dozily reach for the phone that causes the noise. “Yes?” You say, not bothering hiding the irritation in your voice.

“Oh Hi Sharon were you asleep?” You search your memory in order to identify the voice on the other side. It takes a few second but then you realize its Jenna, an acquaintance from school. Jenna is one of those annoying girls whom think everyone is her friend and would never bad mouth her. She may be pretty in that girl next door kind of way but she’s a complete dimwit when it comes to choosing who her friends are.

You for one is definitely not her friend.

“Yes Jenna I was asleep, rough night the other day now what is it?”

“Oh…” Jenna is taken aback a bit by your harsh tone but continues. “I was just wondering if you’d like to go to the cinema with us?”

“Whose us?” You ask.

“Me, Chad, Chad’s best friend Will, my sister Mia and Gina from school.”

What an odd group. You quickly figure out why Jenna invited you to the movies. Chad and Will are a pair of horny dogs, everyone at school knows it. Jenna is the only girl in school dumb enough not to notice which makes her Chad’s girlfriend. Chad must have asked Jenna to invite you so that his friend Will could have a shot at getting in your pants. By Satan you are way out of Will’s league.

Gina on the other hand is a odd choice. She’s an Christian, not fundamentalist but very deep in her beliefs.

“Why did you invite Gina she’s not really our type?”

Jenna springs to her defenses immediately. “Oh NO no no no!” She says in rapid succession. “Gina is totally cool she won’t cause any problems I swear!” Any of the ladies in this group would make good sacrificial victims, should you go or not?

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