Ask him why.
From Create Your Own Story
Revision as of 02:51, 16 July 2010 by Doctor Irony (Talk | contribs)
"Dear lord, Dap! What good would that do anybody, let alone you?" You ask.
"Christopher, imagine for a moment, that certain 'people' are looking upon this rat's nest as a piece of realty. They aren't the bargaining type, so they hire fellows like you or me to take out peoples of interest that could inhibit their progress in 'procuring' the establishment, all for a hefty sum and perhaps even a slice of the pie."
"That's cold blooded murder."
"No, dear Chris, it's profit. Now, let's cut to the chase; we both know you have certain... talents that would grease the wheels of this operation. Now, name a price, and we'll get started."