ST: Go straight ahead

From Create Your Own Story

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You remember that the man on the radio said not to turn left so you don't. As you drive by, you take a quick glance on that road. Its horrifying. There lied hundreds of destroyed cars which where probably thrown by the tornado blocking the road. Its a good thing you stayed straight. You look back and still see that tornado still behind you though. You listen to the radio to see if it can help you...

"Were back on Chopper View and that car is still being chased by that tornado. The man in that car followed my orders and stayed straight, i think he's listening to our channel! I hope he is because if he stays straight he might be able to escape. Since cars go faster wehen they stay straight.I'll give him another tip. For the next five minutes stay stright because on every intersection is full of wrecked cars that were attacked by the tornado. Over to you Amanda!"

Okay so stay straight no matter what, you think to yourself.

"Oh and watch out for falling cars"

Straight away a random car falls beside you taking out one of your reaer view mirrors. You get instanly scared and pop your head out of the car too see if there are anymore falling. You see tens of cars falling down! You swerve side to side avaoiding cars and the occaisonal sign. But as you still keep your head in the sky, the car goes slower. You can't keep this up. You're going to have to pop your head back in and try and speed your way out.

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