TPM: Just one at a time. its still new to me

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Don't the Jedi always teach about patience? Better to give each of them a really good and special fuck and make them wait than something sloppy for all of them.

The Cerean, Ki-Adi-Mundi starts off. He'd actually be the hardest to please you think, unlike the other Jedi, he's allowed to fuck women of his species. Something about a population crisis you hear. In any case, he respectfully lifts you over him. You're fortunate, you think, cause it looks like his cock naturally lubricates itself. Sure enough, it slides into your little human pussy with ease, and creates a warming sensation, turning you on more and more as you ride him, to a point you don't even mind that he came inside you without warning.

The rest of the Jedi Council were less entertaining, but easier. Fucking Yoda was like Gungan Poetry; hard to follow and not much to it. Master Windu and Jinn were known qualities, and the Kel Dor Plo Kloon had to wear protection over his cock to protect from oxidizing, or something like that. He sweated alcohol, which burned off immediatly, so you got second-hand drunk from the vapors.

The Council is in consensus as you all finish. You showed not only skill and ability in bed, but the patience to deal with each individual on its own and evaluate the beset way about it, a great skill in a ruler. They will give their help, on the further contention that any further Jedi who visit Naboo are allowed to join you in bed.

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Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Queen Padme Amidala
The Phantom Menace

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