AOTC: Whore yourself for money.

From Create Your Own Story

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As much as you hate to admit it, the quickest way to make fast cash without drawing a lot of unwanted attention would be to prostitute yourself. When Watto owned you he regularly pimped you and your mother out to anyone with credits for extra income, so you know how and what to do. Your also pretty hot and male human prostitutes on Tatooine are rare enough that you can charge top dollar for basic sex.

You take the money you got from the starfighter sale and go shopping to get started. You buy some clothes for the job, high shorts and low v-necked shirts that reveal your muscular chest. You also alter your appearance to fit your profession as well as to make you harder to find by bounty hunters and Jedi looking for murderers, ear and eyebrow piercings, some flashy tattoos and a new slutty haircut. A couple hundred credits later your ready to start making money the old fashioned way.

You find a good streetcorner with plenty of traffic but no Peacekeeper activity and make yourself available, striking a few suggestive poses. Even people not interested in picking up a whore send some looks your way, appreciating the tanned toned merchandise. After an exhausting hour in the hot sun a customer sidles up, covered in heavy robes.

"You looking for something hot and sticky friend?" You ask.

Who is your first customer?

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Anakin Skywalker
Attack of the Clones

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