Days turn into a week...
From Create Your Own Story
A week passes quickly despite the limitations of your duties. William is an affible companion and pleasent; when not talking about your exploits he has you read to him, occasionally Wilde but also his favorites, Blake and Gothe. Despite his dramatic claims early on, William's recovery seems to progress at a more normal pace, his wounds slowly closing up with less exhaustion and even joining the family for supper some recent nights. However Lord Kellar's mood has darkened progressivly, unable to find his 'bear'. Being a man of strong and intelligent bearing he manages to refrain from taking it out on you and his wife, but you still can hear his bitter curses most regularly aimed at a camp of gypsies that have camped in the nearby woods.
You understand his frustration; gypsies have an unfortunate habit of trailing dreaded happenings with them, paticularly that which you suspect was involved in William's mauling. The presense of evil around gyspies has long lead to much contempt and predjudice against them, but contrary to devil worshiping rumors gyspies are most commonly the victims of a long standing antagonism from the Dark Forces rather than the causes of them. However it is true that thier presense here is possibly related to the recent unfortunate and dark events...
Further tension has arrisin with Madeline, William's sister. It isn't a spoken tension but you can feel it; she hasn't exchanged more than a dozen words with you since you arrived. It took some time to place exactly what kind of feelings she held against you but eventually you settled on resentment. You feel like maybe she blames your father for being the element that introduced this darkness into her fathers life, bringing all of the trials and evil that a life battling the Devil's kind brings; and that action being transferred to you by blood. You dare not approach her about it, her animosity is quiet and controlled but it does make for uncomfortable moments, especially when she feels the relationship between you and William deepen...
As the sun set on Friday you were about to bid the evening to William when a banging and yelling came from the door. Going down stairs you find Lord Kellar limping through the front door supported by his huntsman. He speaks in loud angry tones and you can tell it has something to do with the Gypsy camp...
"...stepped into one of their damnable traps! I will not let this stand, those beggers are leaving tonight if I have to drive them out myself! I've worked and prayed on this spot of Earth and I'll be struck blind if I'll let it be polluted by these cursed scavengers!"
Looking up the stairs he sees you and his eyes light up.
"Anastasia, I need your help love...I've had it with these gypsies living in the South Dell, I'm going to force them to leave tonight. It's an unpleasent duty I know but I'll feel better if you are there to help me, I need every gun I can get..."
You think quickly; this looks bad. Part of you feels a need to stay with William, he's had a relapse which has required your attention more than most days. However while you don't think Lord Kellar is quite abusive enough to do anything rash he has gotten worse over the last few days and being nearby when he vacates the gypsies might keep him from getting too out of hand...