ANH: Darth Vader!

From Create Your Own Story

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You have your shackles taken off once you get to the cell. They give you, your torn white dress again. It is ripped on the knees and at one shoulder. Other then that is seems intact. You put it on to cover up your bare body. Then you hear it again. Darth Vader comes in.

"And now, your highness, we will discuss the location of your hidden rebel base..." He says. A probe droid enters, armed with an enormously large needle, filled with what you could only suppose was some sort of inhibitor, to make you tell Vader anything. He force locks the door.

In a panic, you decide to plead with him, "Wait! Please don't!"

"You can either deal with my probe droid, or you deal with me. Either way, you will tell me where your friends are."

Do you deal with the probe droid, and risk telling Vader where your friends are? Or do you deal with Vader, and risk what he would do to you, if you lie to him?

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