TPM: Wow! Yousa sees something else yousa rather fuck!

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 04:24, 17 May 2010 by The Hand (Talk | contribs)
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Before yousa get a chance to stick yousa penis in the Shaak yousa see something else, something yousa don't see very often in the jungles of Naboo...a human! Yousa hands slip and the Shaak runs screaming off into the jungle, but yousa don't care anymore; the human is way more bombad goodfuck! Without pulling up your pants yousa sneak through the brush, watching the human from a distance. Hesa young with short hair and long ponybraid, and funky weird robes yousa no see before. Yousa lick yousa lips; it been long time since yousa got to fuck anyting other than livestock, and even longer since you last fucked people; since a group of bombad Naboo go camping in the jungle and yousa kidnap one which yousa played with for days. This human is young and pretty, almost like a girl though yousa pretty sure hesa a man, and all sweaty from the jungle heat. Yousa getting crazy hard just looking at hesa and yousa ready to make yousa move...

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