Decide to go back to using your dildo with no psycho men to deal with

From Create Your Own Story

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What is it with men, anyway? So much drama!

You decide to take a break from dating, fwb and all other similar things.

But of course you, being you are still horny.

You join the "toy of the month club" and receive a new sex toy every month. You've got quite a collection. For companionship you keep company with family and platonic friends. To satisfy your sexual urges you use your new toys.

You build up quite a collection of them. But lack of a companion who can be a friend and a lover drives you a little batty. You have a nervous breakdown and wind up in a mental hospital. In general you get along quite well with everyone. You hobby of dressing up your sex toys in doll clothes and taking pictures of them has some people concerned. As does your blunt honesty. Like when you were talking to Priscilla Pickpocket you actually told her that you had to run because you had a date. When she asked with whom you said "Mr. Ballsy eight inch dildo". She fainted. But that's how you roll.

But the good news is that you think you're getting better! You've been getting together with the new, hot orderly. You secretly hopes he uses the straight jacket on you again. You're on your way to your secret rendezvous in the broom closet now.

the end. (or is it?)

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