Spare Rhonda Price

From Create Your Own Story

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"No," you thought as you allowed your anger to subside. "This isn't the way. Revenge doesn't solve anything, but rather only fuels the flames of another's wrath and spins the wheel of the Cycle of Revenge," you thought before tossing the pistol thrown to you onto the floor.

"Zachy! What is this? What are you doing? Finish her! Claim your vengeance! Don't you despise her for dumping you? Don't you hate her Zach? Don't let her get away with what she's done! Hate her Zach! Hate, hate, hate, hate and spread that hatred everywhere! Kill her Zach Brach! Kill her without remorse! Kill her and realize your true nature! Don't allow something as petty as morals, logic, and reason hold you back!" screeched the teacher hysterically.

"I won't allow myself," you began as you clenched your right hand into an iron fist. "To act in such a primitive and foolish way! I won't let myself drown in my anger. I won't lose myself!"

"Grr," growled the teacher angrily before drawing a second pistol from his suit coat and aiming it directly at your skull. "How dare you! How dare you resist my temptations? YOU! WILL! DIE!"

"Oh man I really did it this time. He's really pissed. Is he going to shoot me? Is this where I died? Can this really be it? Is this the end!???"

"DIE!" roared the teacher like an enraged lion as he readied himself for the upcoming recoil that was to come after he pulled the trigger of his gun. Your eyes widened in fear as the teacher's trigger finger begin to shift...

"NO!" screamed a feminine voice. Your eyes widened as suddenly Rhonda tossed her body onto yours which brought you both tumbling into the ground right before the teacher pulled the trigger.

"Rhonda? saved me!" you exclaimed in a shocked voice as you looked up into the eyes of the only girl you had ever fallen for. Before you had been to busy keeping tabs on everything to notice the beauty of any female, but Rhonda was different. The moment you first met you know she was special. You knew she was unlike any girl you had ever met before. You knew you loved her. Even now after all that's happened between still do.

"But of course," she said while laying atop of you and staring into your eyes just as you were staring into hers. "Of course I did because...because I love you. Listen Zach. What I did...what I did was a mistake. Can you...can you forgive me?"

"What?" you asked in disbelief. What had she just asked you to do? Forgive her? Forgive her for what she's done? Forgive her for the pain and embarrassment she inflicted upon you? FORGIVE HER?!!!

'Zach please I'm sorry. I know I was a total bitch, but please forgive me. Come on Zach you've always been kind. Can't you forgive me? Can't we start over? Please?"

"I," you started before closing your eyes. As you reopened them you made your decision...

Do you:

Character: Zach Brach
Alive: 50 students
Hours Remaining: 72
Weapons Aquired: none
Friends: None
Kills: None... yet

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