Continue to find your way out

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 17:35, 2 April 2010 by OminousFlare (Talk | contribs)
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You start to walk. Your poor family. Charmaine and you, and your ratty brother.

You go through another six doors when it happens...

The whole house begins to rock and sway. The walls are actually hissing at you. Like a thousand invisible snakes.

And Chang's voice is like thunder.

"Stop! Stop! You bad, evil children! What have you done with your brother? I had him locked up in a secret room and he's GONE!!"

You yell, as loudly as you could:

"See, Mr Chang, you're not as smart as you think you are!"

"WRONG!" he screeches. "I'm smarter than you think think I am!" he bellow. "Now you are really going to wish that you'd never been born..."

And the floor opens up and you are falling...



Depending on your luck, you could fall into a number of places of this house. Are you lucky today?

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