Negotiate with Chang

From Create Your Own Story

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"Mr Chang," you begin, very sweetly, "don't you think this house needs - friends?"

"Friends?" he barks. "Explain, boy!"

"Well..." you bite your lip, thinking of what to say next. "Instead of, well, scaring people, what if it makes friends with people? And the people could help it?"

"Bah!" the unseen Chang grunts.

"Listen to me," you beg. "This was a beautiful house years ago, right? Don't you want it to be beautiful again?"

"What do you care, boy?" he demands to know.

"Well, if you let us go, we could help you clean it up, paint it, do the garden-"

"Headache, pain!" Chang shouts. "All this chatter! Giving me a headache!"

"But think about it, sir," you suggest.

"No, no, no, no!" he screams. The walls tremble. "You hate this house!" he accuses.

"I don't!"

"You do!"

"I don't!"

"You DO, DO, DO!"

"He's a fruit cake!" you whisper to Charmaine.

"You're a bad, wicked, nasty boy!" Chang's voice crashes around you. "You must be punished! This is the House of a Thousand Doors! You are to suffer DEATH BY DOORS!"

"I told you," you whisper. "A fruit cake with one sultana too many!"

His mad laughter is uncontrollable. Charmaine has her hands over her ears. Just as well. She doesn't hear him say what Death by Doors is...

It sounds insane!

It sounds like the work of a madman in his mansion!

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