Speak to the Convicted

From Create Your Own Story

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You glare at the man being held by the guard. He looks at you pleadingly. He is a short man, around 5'5 (the average height of a Voxian man is 6'3), mud coloured hair, and a dark, tanned look to his skin. "What is your name?" "Al-Alphari Gyuph, your Aurum." "And why are you here?" "I was accused of... murdering Avartidi."

You create a mental note of that sentence.

"You realize the punishment for murder is a year in the arena, do you not?" "Yes, your Aurum." "Why did you murder Avari?" "I didn't, your Aurum. I was accused of murdering Avardi because I had attacked him before."

Something in your brain flicks on.

"And why, did you attack him before?" "He..." The small man shudders. "Yes..." You press on. "He slashed an innocent man's throat." He finishes, avoiding your eye.

Avari Typhalt is the head in charge of running prisons, also called "perimeters". You dislike him, as he is a big, foul oaf, reaching just over 7 feet tall. This lumbering man sat and watched executions performed in front of other prisoners, in order to encourage good behavior. You wouldn't put it past him to do something as vicious as that in order to encourage good behavior. However, the crowd outside is longing for his blood. You know that freeing this man would not only get him killed, but possibly put your life in jeopardy as well.

You decide to:

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