Tutorial- sleep

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 13:11, 29 October 2009 by Platypus (Talk | contribs)

You go to sleep.

You wake several hours later feeling refreshed and energized. You sit up and see the genie hovering cross legged in the air, playing a game of solitaire. When he notices that you're up, he waves his hands and the cards poof.

"Oh good! You notice that the header is different? The text 'sleep' brought you here instead of to that Princess story. If you want to look at the syntax again, it's here:

[[Tutorial- sleep| sleep]]

"A good way to name pages is to put the name of your story before the page name you want. That's what I've done here.

"You might also use a slash instead of a dash, like so:

[[Tutorial/sleep| sleep]]

"This will create a page just like this one, but with a link at the top back to the beginning of the story! Go on, click below and take a look."


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