The plain fissure looks pretty cool.

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 21:45, 5 August 2009 by Forsak3n1 (Talk | contribs)
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You look down deep into the fissure. It's surrounding is charred and burned and you can see some lava trickling around it. Anyway, you take a deep breath. I mean really deep. It's so deep it's not even funny. You step over and you plunge into the fissure.

It's only a 10 feet drop, but as you hit the ground below, the Earth starts to shake. It could be an earthquake and it cannot bode well...

Looking around, glowing lava lights up the cavern. The area is charred and burned, just like the opening. As you take several steps, you can feel the earth shake harder and harder. Suddenly, a huge shake makes you stagger and fall into the lava below...


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