Walk to the NYSE stock exchange

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 12:29, 5 January 2009 by Platypus (Talk | contribs)

You walk for several blocks toward the NYSE building, a sick dread roiling in your gut, especially as the wide avenue you're walking down is empty. At this time of day Wall Street is usually swarming with people. Today, no one.

Something seems wrong about the arrangement of buildings. The sunlight is bathing them from a new angle, making the usually shadowed granite seem brighter, almost white.

You round the corner and stand before the New York Stock Exchange...or at least where you remember it being.

In its place is a vacant lot. Your heart drops as you remember that dusty gray day in September a few years back. But this is different.

There is no rubble, no signs of demolition. It's as if the Exchange building simply ceased to be, or perhaps never was. (For that matter, Ground Zero still appears to be a hole in the ground.)

Is it a dream? you wonder. It must be, but the air tastes too real. You decide it may be in your best interests to escape the city at least, but you're uncertain what the safest course of travel might be.

Do You:

Head toward the Staten Island Ferry, resolved to travel by Sea

Head toward the Brooklyn Bridge, electing to head for land

Head underground via the Brooklyn Battery tunnel to Brooklyn or head underground via the subway from lower Manhattan to Brooklyn

World's End Status
Health 100 Equipment:


Location NYC
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