Buzz the nurse over

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 06:42, 7 October 2008 by Platypus (Talk | contribs)
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You hit the button a few times before a nurse comes to greet you. You're actually surprised at the nurse because she is human. She is the first human that you have seen all day and she is beautiful. She has long brown hair, a slim body structure, and a nice pair of large breasts that fit her body well.

"Did you need anything sir?" says the nurse in the sweetest voice.

Once you come out of your trance you realize that you didn't really need anything, you were just bored and wanted some attention.

What do you ask for?:

Furry Status (you)
Health 26 Equipment:

Hospital gown, Several casts, lots of pain

Gender Male
Species Human
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