The basement sounds inviting. Let's go down there.

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 00:29, 14 September 2008 by Harry Portalman (Talk | contribs)
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You descend into the basement and come face-to-face with a strange, goat-legged demon. The demon has red skin and huge, black horns. It speaks with a Yiddish accent, for some reason, possibly copyright.

The demon says, "Come! Be my bride!"

"No," you say, "I don't like that way." The demon is visibly saddened by this.

"Well...will you join me for a dance in that case?"

You shrug, resisting the urge to make a Batman Movie reference. A haunting, 1920s jazz melody begins to play and you dance with the demon. You do foxtrot, tango, and even a little swing. But after the night's third slow dance, you become a bit tired. The demon thanks you for the dance and escorts you out of the basement through a secondary exit. As you stand in the backyard of the house, the demon says, "You are a terrific dancer. If you ever come to this house again, I promise not to eat your other arm."

"What are you talking about?" you ask. Then you look and see that your left arm is gone.

That'll teach you to trust a demon, I guess. The demon vanishes in a blast of fire, and you examine your left stump. It's not so bad. The demon fixed it so that it wouldn't bleed out. You fish for your Medkit and pull out your Nano-tube. You break off the cap with your teeth and squeeze out some paste onto your stump. Within moments, the nano-bots in the paste have reconstructed your arm.

"Not bad at all," you say. You get an idea:

Nothing bad ever happens in dark forests. Let's go there!

Squeeze the Nano-tube's contents on the house.

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