Resident evil

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 09:47, 13 August 2008 by Anonym (Talk | contribs)

Alright im new to this but i give it a shoot. Now for you who really dosn't know what Resident evil is go to either this page or this page for information. Anyway i was planning to do a adventure only in the RE 4 universe but i decided to let you chosse which you want to play. By the way check out the discussion page now and then as you go along to see what i have to say about the part you are in, in fact you should check this page's discussion page (really you should).

Resident evil 0 What happend to the Bravo Team?

Resident evil 1 How it all began...

Resident evil 2 The horror spreads

Resident evil 3 The past has come to haunt the remaning S.T.A.R.S. members

Resident evil 4 Six years has passed since Raccon City

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