Jeans and a T-shirt, like everyday

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 04:38, 28 June 2008 by Platypus (Talk | contribs)

You pull on your underwear and your pants, then lift up a t-shirt. You always feel most comfortable without a bra, and the shirt is kind of baggy, so your breasts won't show through at all. You toss your bras aside and pull the shirt on. You put your hair in a little ponytail, and step into some sneakers. You walk up to his house, and knock. He comes out a few minuets later, in just pj bottoms. He looks at you and blushes.

"Sorry, I thought you were just my friend," he says. You blush back at him. He nearly has a six pack and his chest looks iron hard. His shoulders and arms are nicely formed too. "Where are my manners? Come in," he says. "It's Julia, right?"

"Yeah," you say softly.

"Here, have a seat," he says, "I'll only be a minute. I just got up." You smile, and he leaves.

You look around his house. It isn't much bigger than yours. Suddenly, you realize that you have to pee.


Try to find the bathroom on your own

wait for him to get back so he can show it to you

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