Playfully, run to transfiguration class, M

From Create Your Own Story

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You raced down the hallway after Alex, narrowly dodging other students as you went. His hand was warm in your own, his grip firm as he pulled you along. You could see the door to the Transfiguration classroom in the distance, the sounds of her lecturing the class already drifting into the hall as she greeted and small talked to her students. Alex skidded to a stop just outside the door, pausing to catch his breath. He looked up at you, eyes bright with mirth, and you had to bite your lip to keep from laughing out loud.

"How do I look?" he asked, attempting to smooth his rumpled clothes with little success.

"Like you just got thoroughly fu-," you told him with a smirk.

"Stop fantasizing and at least tell me I'm not covered in your cum or something"

He snorted as you flushed, swallowing and looking down at your own clothes to see if you should be worried about any white stains or not.

"Charming. At least try to look normal, would you? If Tyler sees how disheveled we are, she's sure to guess what we were up to."

Alex snickered "She never notices. None of you seem to unless I make it obvious" You nodded, taking a moment to straighten your own clothes and run a hand through your hair in an attempt to tame the mess Alex had made of it, chewing on the piece of information Alex had just blessed you with. Once you were both moderately presentable again, Alex sniffed and led you through the doorway.

Your lecturer looked up from her notes at the front of the room, frowning as she took in your disarrayed appearance. Her gaze narrowed, and for a moment you were sure she was about to call you out in front of the entire class. But after a brief pause, she simply shook her head and looked away, apparently deciding to let your tardiness slide.

Breathing a silent sigh of relief, you slid into your seats next to Tyler at the back of the room. Tyler was the one you most wanted to hide what you'd done from, unsure of how you could even begin to justify getting a blowjob at such a major moment. Not to his sister anyway.

"Wow," Tyler giggled, eyeing your disheveled states. "You guys look like you ran a marathon!"

"Something like that," you laugh, tossing Alex a look that he returns with a cocked eyebrow. She had no idea about Alex's actions, and you preferred to keep it that way. Alex himself had settled in much faster than you, lounging in his seat with an easy smile directed at his sister. His relaxed demeanor a far cry from the man who'd so easily swallowed your cock not twenty minutes ago, wanting his hair pulled and his tongue busy.

"Isn't he the best?" Tyler whispered, nudging your side playfully and distracting you from your thoughts. Her enthusiasm was infectious, you couldn't help but smile. "Alright, class," the teacher called out, her voice booming in the room. "I need a volunteer for our first demonstration." Tyler's eyes lit up, and she nodded excitedly towards Alex, urging him to raise his hand.

"Go on," you muttered, giving Alex a gentle nudge.

"Me?" he asked, the lazy grin on his face betraying no hint of the secrets he held. Tyler nodded silently, her eyes giddy with anticipation. With a teasing sigh, Alex raised his hand, and pushed himself out of his chair to be the volunteer Madam had asked for.As

"Very well," the teacher said, beckoning him forward. "Come up here, Alex."

As he stood and made his way to the front of the classroom, you couldn't help but marvel at his ability to switch gears so effortlessly. There was no hint of what had transpired earlier aside from the pop of his collar, and yet, it lingered in your mind like a secret you couldn't shake off. You refocused on the lesson, knowing that dwelling on it wouldn't change anything. But as the class continued, you found yourself stealing glances at Alex, wondering what else he might be hiding behind that charming smile.

Watch Alex as he helps out with the transfiguration lesson

Decide to be a good sport and volunteer with Alex too

Talk to Tyler and ask her how work went

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