Johnson keeps you both after class after catching Alex under the desk

From Create Your Own Story

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You barely heard Johnson dismiss the class, your mind spinning. How dare Alex put you in this position? You were supposed to be partners, watching each other's backs, and instead he'd nearly gotten you expelled.

The other students filed out, shooting you curious glances and snickers. Alex draped an arm around your shoulders, but you shook him off.

"What were you thinking?" you hissed under your breath.

Alex blinked at you, all innocence, a hint of something of worry beneath his eyes that to most people they'd never think twice of. He was good at pretending things were okay when he was worried, or feeling any kind of human emotion. "What? I just wanted to have a little fun. You need to learn to think on your feet."

"This isn't a game!" You glanced at Johnson, who was shuffling papers at his desk and studiously ignoring you both ... for now. Still, you lowered your voice further.

Alex stepped closer, reaching for your hand. You wrenched away. "Come on, don't be angry with me. I promise I'll make it up to you." His eyes darkened. "Multiple times, if need be" A flush crept up your neck at the implication in his tone. Damn him. No matter how infuriating he was, he always knew exactly how to get under your skin. "Just follow my lead and we'll get you out of this mess, pinky swear. I can play Johnson like a fiddle you watch"

With a wink, Alex scooped up his bag and led the both of you to Johnsons desk. The older mans brows furrowed and he already looked to be getting ready to snarl. Johnson stood, leaning over his desk, the veins in his neck bulging like angry snakes. "Do you think this is a whore house for little sluts in training?" he spat, glaring daggers at you.

Alex chuckled and casually leaned forward too, blocking Johnson's view of you, his relaxed demeanor contrasting starkly with the tense atmosphere. "Mr. Johnson, that is no way of talking to your students. But you're right, that was wrong of me."

"Wrong? You both have some nerve, coming into my classroom like this!" Johnson fumed, his face reddening by the second.

"Hey, we all make mistakes," Alex replied with a nonchalant shrug. You could feel your heart racing, but Alex's calmness seemed to settle the storm inside you.

"Is this how you were raised? To disrespect authority?" Johnson demanded, finger jabbing the air as if to puncture any remaining defiance.

"Authority deserves respect when it's earned, sir," Alex shot back smoothly, a playful grin tugging at the corner of his mouth. "Besides, we're here to learn, aren't we?"

"Learn?" Johnson scoffed. "You two clearly haven't learned a damn thing about propriety!" Johnson snarled, slamming his hand down on the desk. The sound echoed through the room like a gunshot, making you flinch. "This isn't a game, you insolent brats!"

"Never said it was," Alex retorted, still composed. "But I do believe in second chances and redemption, don't you? Everyone has a choice, sir," Alex said softly. "We're choosing to face the consequences and move forward. The question is, will you let us?"

"Actually, Mr. Johnson," Alex interjected, leaning in closer but maintaining his casual demeanor, "I believe my friend here has a clean record. They've never missed a lecture or caused any trouble. If anything were to happen to them now, it would certainly raise some eyebrows among the faculty."

Your heart hammered in your chest as you tried to steady your breathing, gripping your backpack strap like a lifeline. The scent of stale coffee and chalk dust filled your nostrils, making it difficult to focus on anything else.

Add to the conversation, Alex shouldn't do all the talking ... right?

Let Alex do his thing, he clearly seems to be going somewhere with this

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