Put a pin in Alex's relationships, tell Tyler about the study session, M

From Create Your Own Story

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"Interesting, to say the least," you replied, deciding to put a pin in the conversation with Alex for now. A pang of guilt stirred within you, but the urgency of Tyler's presence pushed it aside. After all, friends came first.

As you recounted the details of your meeting with Ivory, Madam began the lesson, asking for a volunteer to demonstrate a particular transfiguration technique.

"So long story short we have a study session tonight at the Library. You in?"

"Of course I'm in, I looooove meeting new people, and I think I know the girl yyou're talking about! Maybe. At least I know I've seen her in class a few times ... white dress no shoes is a powerful fashion statement"

Though Madam continued instructing at the front of the room, her voice barely registered in your mind. Instead, you found yourself lost in the whirlwind of emotions that had taken hold of you today - from the unexpected connection with Ivory to the revelations about Alex and Mr. Johnson.

"Tyler," you whispered hesitantly, "have you ever felt like there's so much going on all at once that you can't even wrap your head around it?"

She looked at you thoughtfully, her eyes reflecting the weight of your question. "Yeah, I have. But that's just life, right? It keeps moving, and we do our best to keep up. Silly"

Actually before you leave, you may as well make class fun. Be the class clown

Class goes by without any problems, you leave with Tyler

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