The line goes dead, Nathan has hung up on you, M

From Create Your Own Story

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There's a soft knock at the door. You look up with a start.

"Everything okay in there?" It's your neighbor, Mrs. Jenkins. Her voice is muffled by the door.

You open your mouth but no words come out. What would you even say?

Another knock. "Did I hear glass breaking? Are you hurt?" Her tone sharpens with concern.

"I'm fine," you manage to rasp. Your throat feels raw, scraped out. "Just...dropped something. Sorry for the noise."

A pause. For a heart-stopping moment you think she won't believe you. But then—

"Alright, if you're sure. Let me know if you need anything." Her footsteps fade down the hall.

You slump back against the wall, eyes squeezed shut. But you can't escape the truth. It circles like a vulture, waiting to pick the bones clean.

You raped him.

The words sear into your mind and you gag, bile rising in your throat. What have you done?

There's no undoing this. No forgiveness. No absolution.

Hours pass in a haze of panic and self-loathing. You keep replaying the events of the night, searching for some way to rationalize what happened. But there are no excuses. No justification.

You raped him.

The mantra pounds in your skull until you think you might go mad from it.

When the knock comes at the door, you almost don't register it at first. But the sharp rapping jerks you from your spiraling thoughts.

You drag yourself over on wooden limbs and peek through the peephole. Two police officers stand outside, grim-faced.

Your heart seizes in your chest. No. No, it's too soon. How did they find out so quickly?

But you know. Deep down, you've always known Nathan would report it. He was too good, too moral to stay silent.

With trembling fingers, you unlock the door. The officers turn in unison, gazes sharp behind mirrored sunglasses.

"Are you [name]?" the taller one asks. His hand rests casually on the butt of his gun.

You nod mutely, throat closing up.

"We have some questions for you regarding an alleged sexual assault. Please come with us to the station." His tone brooks no argument.

Try to keep your freedom, run and fight to keep out of jail

There's no use in fighting it. You let the officers walk you out

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