Head home, you have no other choice, M

From Create Your Own Story

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Months pass in a haze of firewhisky and sleepless nights. You're dragged into meetings, quizzed on half your search histories that the University has access to, your integrity is dragged through the mud and as you come to find out, all the faculty staff are aware of the allegations. You try to get a reference from an old professor to get ahead of the curve and land yourself a job, only to get no response whatsoever. You didn't get the job.

The board of governors' verdict arrives by post one gray morning, it reads: expulsion. Permanent separation from the school of Magic.

Paper crumples in your palm as you trash the bad news.

The HallowPort pub is dim and smoky, frequented by surly patrons with little love for outsiders. But they don't ask questions as long as you keep paying, and firewhisky dulls the jagged edges of your thoughts.

Months pass in a haze of firewhisky and sleepless nights. The board of governors' verdict arrives by owl post one gray morning: expulsion. Permanent separation from Hogwarts.

You crumple the letter in your fist, rage and anguish twisting your insides. It's not enough that they've taken your home, your friends, your future. Now they mean to destroy you utterly.

The Hogsmeade pub is dim and smoky, frequented by surly patrons with little love for outsiders. But they don't ask questions as long as you keep paying, and firewhisky dulls the jagged edges of your thoughts.

When a familiar figure slides onto the stool beside you, at first you think it's just another apparition conjured by drink and longing. But the vision speaks, and in that instant you know it's real.

"Alex," you breathe, caught between hope and dread. Your former friend regards you with thinly veiled contempt, as if you're something nasty he's just scraped off his shoe.

"I'm so glad we'll never have to see your face again," he says, and laughs when you flinch. The knife-edge of his mockery cuts deeper than any curse. "You got what you deserved, after everything you did. Now do us all a favor and crawl back under your rock, you miserable waste of magic."

The words hit you like a physical blow, knocking the breath from your lungs. You stare at Alex in disbelief, unable to comprehend his sudden hostility. This is the same person who used to be your closest friend, who had stood by you through thick and thin. After months of grueling self loathing the pressure is mounting.

"You're never going to get a place in a University again you know" casual in the address, Alex continues on a sigh, letting you eat every word he says "You shouldn't have done what you did. Sex is easy to come across, there's hundreds of people all baying for a night in the sheets. Taking that from one of the people who don't want it? Fucking disgusting. Come near Nathan again, and it won't be petty plagiarism you find yourself with, right? Tyler wanted to do much worse".

Alex stands, smoothing the front of his robes with a careless gesture. When he Disapparates a moment later, the imprint of his scorn seems to linger like a Dark Mark, searing your soul with indelible shame.

He then seems to lazily relax, taking in your dishivelled and outcast. This seems to make him feel much better.

Betrayed indeed, you think bleakly, and order another drink.

Bad End Collectable - #2 : Schools not for the Weak Willed

Bad End

Try again from the Start

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