Modern day- Live through the day the freeuse law comes into order as a family man in the nation of Arosia.

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It is common day in the year 2023, your name is Jason Stone of the Nation of Arosia, aged '48' with 2 children and a beautiful wife. In this day and age, the freeuse law is on total prohibition and has been for the past 100 years of this nation, in order to appeal to neighbouring counrie and their standards of living- however there is a referendum occuring and no one has a clue that the outcome of it will have full support from the population.

Your wife is Harper Stone, Mother to your daughter Alyssa and son Charlie.

You wake to the sound of your alarm blaring, 7:00am and it's still dark out- it's currently the second week of december, you have work in two hours. Harper grumbles and writhes next to you, slowly lifting her body off the bed.

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