Leave in a huge huff

From Create Your Own Story

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Harry smile to himself. Almost feeling like his old self. When he used to give back talk to all of the Dursleys. He remembers when Dudley used to be to afraid to look at in his direction.

Now Harry knew what he had to do. He call the number which in theory would connect to the Burrow, one of the greatest places in the world to Harry. He heard a few rings. Not really expecting the phone to still be in used.

Then someone picks up. "Who is this?"

The voice on the other line were none other than Arthur Weasley. Harry shook his girlish head in disbelief. Only Arthur Weasley, muggle enthusiast, would have kept this phone for four years. His three little words sounded to Harry like a mix of cheer and hardness.

Harry knew this would be another prime opportunity to join the wizarding world. But Harry said. "Hello. I'm a girl from Ginny school, Hogwarts. She gave me this number awhile back. I finally manage to buy a teleported."

Arthur said. "Telephone my dear."

Harry smile. He were happy that Mr. Weasley bought into the lie so easily. "Yes Telephone. Can I please speak with Ginny. I will only be ten minutes." Harry heard Arthur thinking it over.

Does Arthur get Ginny for Harry

Yes ofcourse

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