He throws a punch at you

From Create Your Own Story

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Status: Barely Clothed, Overheated, and in Deep Trouble

You desperately continue to apologize, but in an instant, he's aiming his fist at your face, and then everything goes black.

You have no idea how long you're out, but when you struggle back to consciousness, you hope you're having a nightmare.

It's sunset, and you have no idea where you are. You're lying on the ground completely naked, the angry guy scowling over you. Your wrists are chained together, the chains fastened to the bottom of your car. Your ankles are also chained together, the other end connected to the trunk of the car you hit. You gasp as you realize what he intends - if he drives away, he'll tear you apart!

"Nobody fucks with my car, bitch!" the guy shouts.

Your heart begins you pound wildly and you begin to scream in terror! "HELP!" you wail. "SOMEBODY HELP ME!"

"Yell all you want," your assailant says. "Nobody will here you. I moved our cars to the middle of nowhere. Nobody's coming to help you."

You burst into tears and thrash wildly in your bonds, screaming wildly in panicked terror.

He gets in his car and starts the engine. "NO! NO! NOOOOOOO!" you scream. "Don't do this! Please don't do this to me!"

The car inches forward and you gasp at the sudden tension in your body. You brace for your body to be pulled apart, but nothing more than that.

Then the car moves forward slightly again, stretching you even more taut! You cry even harder as you realize he's going to take his time with killing you!

For what seems like forever, he continues to ever so slightly move his car, pulling your body tighter and tighter each time. The pain throughout your body is incredible, and you can't believe you haven't been torn apart by now.

Then he starts revving up his engine, and you realize this is the end. The car surges forward, and you give one last wail before your arms and legs are torn from your body. Then everything goes dark again, this time for good.


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