Girl Scout Cookies/Grab her from behind and bring her back to the couch

From Create Your Own Story

You scramble to your feet and lunge at Claire, wrapping an arm around her waist and covering her mouth with your free hand. Overpowering her struggles, you drag Claire back to the couch and roughly set her down on your lap.

In protest, Claire spits muffled curses into your palm, kicking her legs against your shins and squirming against your grip. She manages to free her mouth from your grip, but you note that the effort has hiked her skirt up, baring her upper thighs, and has opened her blouse slightly, revealing her generous cleavage.

She turns towards you with a furious glare. "You fucking piece of shit! Let me go!"

Shut her up with a kiss

Grab her breasts

Slide your hand between her thighs

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