Punish her yourself?

From Create Your Own Story

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"I can do it," you say, and are handed a whip.

The guards hold her in front of the bed. Raising your arm, you whip her once, twice, four times. Her back is pink, with red lines of blood on her back. # The guards release her, and she falls forward onto the floor. You kneel next to her, mouth near her ear.

"I'm so sorry," you whisper, kissing her ear softly. She merely sobs harder, wrenching your heart.

Behind you, Nadya walks in. "Have her bandaged up."

You turn to Von Fergeson. "Hand me the message." He quickly hands you the message, that same dammed smile on his face, and leaves.

You tear the scroll open, and read your father's writing. Emperor William II's son, Wilhem Lugo Hansa, and his Saxon war advisor, Harold of Kent, are visiting. William is hoping to get Saxonland to join the war. Harold is bringing his slaves. You have Kowalski tell the servants to prepare their rooms.

You head to the top of the southern tower and think. You can either go to the infirmary and apologize, or head back to your room and order dinner be brought in.

Apologize to Willow?

Have dinner in your room?

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