Out with friends: Kate gets back form shopping

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Condition Half-asleep Apparel and Items: Thin silk bathrobe
Day, Time Sunday afternoon
Need to Bathroom Low
Level of Humiliation Low

Katie stumbled in the front door exhausted. 18 hours! That was how long they had been shopping for clothes she had, dresses, bikinis, heels, tights, skirts and many more items. All of them were very revealing and served to make her look like a slut. There was also a whole bag of makeup and another three of sex toys! Katie wanted to strangle the maid that took her shopping.

Tiredly she looked around to see her fiancé? Is that what you would call him and standing next to him was....Crap

Samantha who was grinning broadly and even worse next to Samantha was a woman who Katie never wanted to see agin. Aunt Jill. “What?” Katie mumbled.

Her fiancé grinned “I believe that you already know my cousin Samantha and she told me about how ‘close‘ you and your Aunt were so I invited her to come and see you as well. Now I believe that we need to set some ground rules. Firstly you will do everything I, or Samantha say and you will sine this contract.”

Katie, who was too tired to think properly.....

Out with friends:agrees and sines

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