Swim Team - Alexandra

From Create Your Own Story

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Your name is Alexandra Miller, but you just go by Alex. You live with your parents and have two brothers, one older and one younger. You're an average student and mostly keep out of trouble. At 5'8", you're taller than some of the boys. You have a strong, slender body sculpted by countless hours of running and swimming. Your breasts are perky B-cups. You love to compete and win in everything you do, whether it's board games, swimming or winning an argument. You feel like the drag of body hair slows you down in the water, so you shave it all off. You shave your pussy too, because you don't want the drag even under your suit and because pubes would look a little weird on an otherwise hairless, lithe figure like yours. You wanted to shave your head for an extra advantage, but your mom wouldn't let you so you usually keep your brown hair in a shoulder-length ponytail.

You're on both the school team and the club team, and are competitively friendly with your teammates. You have one good friend, Sandra, but she's not a swimmer. Even though she's your BFF, you've never been able to get her to go out for the team. Sandra would really prefer to lay out and work on her tan, but she comes to most of your swim meets and you hang out at school and after practice.

You're sexually inexperienced; your love life so far is mostly brief anxious flirting, but a few times at school dances you and a boy have felt each other up or traded an awkward kiss. You're not especially self-conscious and are comfortable with nudity in the locker room. Like everyone your age you've checked out your teammates in the shower, owing to some combination of insecurity, curiosity or interest.

It's a Friday in late July. The club swim season is ending, the school season begins soon, but both teams have workouts at the same time today. You get dressed in short shorts and a t-shirt, grab your athletic bag and leave to practice:

Name Alexandra Miller
Location Home
Status Ready to work out!
Clothing T-shirt, shorts
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