TSRM- Take Bayley's panties off?

From Create Your Own Story

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"Now for this next part, I have to take your panties off...." Your words trail off knowing that she might not go for this one, even though you have seen her walking around the house half-naked before, now that was a good day.

"Really? But it feels really good without it." She comments.

"Ya... I mean I can stop here if you won't."

"Nuuuuh! You can take them off," She screeches in protest.

With a dirty smile, you take the elastic band of her panties, giving then a lift pull her panties easily slide down her legs until you hold them in your hands. Looking down at the white cotton panties you lean in and give them a small sniff as you take notice of a small splotch of pussy juice sticking to them. What a naughty girl she is, but that just makes you all the harder. Laying them on the side of the bed you look her over again; now that her panties are no longer in the way, you can clearly see the glistening of her small wet cunt in the lamplight. Bring yourself back upon her you adjust it so that your dick is hovering just above her ass crack, pulling her cheeks apart with your hands you place your dick between her cheeks and push her warm fleshy orbs around your cock. With all the rubbing you have been doing, flowing pre-cum from the tip of your dick is now lubricating the ride between her ass cheeks, making it far more enjoyable for you.

"Thank feels nice." Bayley purrs happily. At this point, her face is softly resting on top of a pillow as her body slides back and forth along the bed with every thrust you make.

"Yeah, it does," You laugh as you continue to pump away between her cheeks.

With as deep as you are between her cheeks, it is no surprise that you can feel her tight ass ring rub along the bottom of your length. With each pump you make, it adds a small ripple of additional pleasure to the experience. You would love to go inside her ass, but you don't think she could take it, lest she starts screaming in pain, so for now, you focus on just hot-dogging her with the amazing feeling as if her ass was made just for your dick.

Making sure to rub her ass over in small movement her orbs make small circles as they move around your dick, keeping a pattern going with every thrust her ass swallows your dick up whole, minus your head which seems to pop out the top of her crack with every thrust. At this point, Bayley's ass crack is completely covered in your pre-cum, making it a slick passage with every following thrust. Soon you can feel a tickling from your nethers as your climax is approaching...

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