Shift into the terrified Kelly

From Create Your Own Story

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As you loom over her ready to molest and rape her, you decide you’ve had enough of this jock and you want that hot body. You leave Adrian a five year old in a massive man’s body, standing over the hottie he once knew. Adrian’s face goes from sadistic to very confused.

“Where am I? Excuse me Miss-“

You don’t let him finish, kicking him in gut before he can. You want to leave him even more confused, so you keep up the rape story. If he were expecting it he might had been fine, but he wasn’t so he’s doubled over. You get off the bed and gather your things, in a furious hurry.

“Why did I think you were different? I should of known you were just like every buddy else!” you shout.

“What? I don’t-“

“You’re seriously playing dumb? How fucking stupid do you think I am?”

“Woah, lady. You can’t use that word around kids.”

“Kid? Kids? Is that what you want? You just want me to be your fuck toy and bare your children? You’re sick! I loved you like s brother!”

“What are you-“

You slap him before he can finish.

“Don’t play dumb with me Adrian! You made me believe you were better and then you tried to rape me! You don’t remember that not a second ago!”


You slap him again.

“Fuck you! You’ve taught me a valuable lesson today. Don’t trust anyone! I hope you’re happy! I hope you burn in Hell for this!”

With that, you march out the door. Before you leave though you turn back and say, “I hope those years of pretending in Kindergarten were worth it!”

You slam the door and turn back to the street, grinning at the life you’ve ruined. You look around the town, thinking of what to use this amazing body for.

You are possessing:
Kelly, age 17
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